About Estes Park Sanitation District
Serving Estes Park Since 1941
In 2016, a new headworks building was added to our treatment facility. While most headworks facilities address processes such as screening, grit removal, chemical addition and flow measuring, our project also addressed the tail-end of treatment. Pictured are dissolved air flotation devices (DAFs) used to "polish" effluent prior to UV disinfection. The DAFs and UV component have proven to be wonderful additions to the treatment process. This is truly a multi-functional building!
Serving Estes Park Since 1941
As is the case with many older wastewater districts, most of our collection system was vitrified clay pipe. In the late 1980's, District initiated an aggressive pipe replacement program to upgrade the aging collection system and improve service quality. Approximately 55% of our collection system is new. Today, over 80% of our collection system is PVC, HDPHE or ductile iron pipe. Pictured is a pneumatic hammer used in the "pipe bursting" process: this equipment splits the old pipe and pulls new HDPHE pipe in its place.
Serving Estes Park Since 1941
The District office is located at 1201 Graves Ave, Ste A in Lakeview Business Center. Here, you may pay your sewer bill, inquire about wastewater building permit requirements, check sewer main locations or attend a monthly board meeting. If Administrative Staff is unable to answer your question, they will put you in touch with someone who can. Contact us via email, phone or in person Monday - Friday 9 - 5 MT. Please find a link to District's Transparency Notice below for additional District details.
Committed to Providing High Quality Service
District Board of Directors encourage Plant and Lines staff be knowledgeable in all areas of wastewater treatment and collection: to that end, treatment operators receive training in collections and collections, in treatment. Collection staff is GPS trained and District collection system, digitally mapped. Employees with increased skills are more valuable to District and the community as a whole.
EPSD Board
Todd M. Plummer
Anthony Ricciardi
F.R. Houser
Ryan Leahy
Jennifer Waters
EPSD Staff
Thomas (TJ) Gassmann
Ron (RD) Duell
Davina Gladson
Evan Borell
Contact Estes Park Sanitation District
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