Fats, Oil and Grease Interceptors

The removal of fats, oil and grease from the wastewater stream is a pre-treatment requirement of our Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment discharge permit. We require businesses involved in the preparation of food products to install an interceptor. We field many questions about whether or not a limited menu or small operation is required to install an interceptor and the answer is yes. Menu's grow, hours of operation change etc. The only way to be equitable is to require all businesses involved in the preparation of food products to install an interceptor.

Are Internal or In-Line Grease Traps Acceptable?

No - the District does not allow in-line or internal grease interceptors. These interceptors may require daily cleaning and are very easy to wash out with large volumes of water. The District does not have enough staff to monitor the proper maintenance of these units.  External interceptors are a proven, effective method to remove fats, oils and grease from the wastewater stream.

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